Hello! I’m Rob. I was born in 1993 in Toronto, Canada. Welcome to my brand new, shiny blog. Take a look around and you’ll notice it’s pretty sparse, both in terms of content and layout. The content will gradually come, but I hope to keep the design this way as long as I can. It reflects some aspects of my personality and a movement I have come to love.
No-frills, bare-bones, focused, simple, intentional, purposeful. Minimalist.
The primary drive here is to give back a little to the global community known as the internet. How? By sharing solutions to problems I have solved, or listing things, philosophies, and practices I find useful. I will occasionally detach from this goal-oriented, problem-solving mindset – simply writing about an experience I found interesting, funny, or beautiful.
On Travel, Technology, and Becoming a Better Human
I first traveled solo at the age of 16, having squirreled away enough money through my part-time job to buy a plane ticket to Poland. Technically, I was only alone for the duration of the flight from Toronto to Warsaw. Most of the trip was spent visiting my grandparents and being a good little grandchild. Nonetheless, this marked the beginnings of what would quickly grow into a passion for solo travel.
It is this passion that continues to drive me to distant corners of our globe, in a quest to see the world, learn about our collective history as a species, grow as a person, and have some fun while doing it. I join the voices of countless others who espouse the benefits of travel. This will be a place to document my experiences, and share tips, tricks, and lessons I’ve learned along the way.
I am also a nerd at heart, having spent far too much of my youth in front of a screen. Now, I look to technology as a means of connecting people and improving our human condition. The tech world provides me with the ultimate problem-solving playground. I will be blogging with a focus on technologies and areas such as Blockchain, Wi-Fi, photography, programming, and personal computing.
And finally, we come to self-improvement. I am a constant self-experimenter, and believe it is only through direct experience and self-inquiry that things can truly be known. Biohacking, psychedelics, nutrition, fitness, the list goes on. I’m always learning, and you’re welcome to follow me on this journey called life.
Whatever drew you to this page: I hope to ultimately provide you, dear reader, value and entertainment you would not find elsewhere. Cheers!